Prospex VPD and its uses in climate control applications. VPD measurements can provide an indication of the current evaporation potential of the air, and as such can be useful in environmental control applications for Protected cultivation.
The Prospex Controllers can calculate VPD non-contact temperature sensor screen with an aspirated humidity sensor. VPD readings are very useful to drive the indoor climate in any protected cultivation.
VPD is an indicator of crop stress that can be used to drive control decisions to shade, cool, or heat the crop in order to modify and maintain optimum stress levels for plants for productivity.
The system measures the crop temperature in different levels and responds very quickly when immediate attention required.
For example: when the crop tip temperature goes high it will close the shade screen also it will start the humidifying system to protect the tip of the crop from excess radiation and getting dried further.
And it operates the misting or humidifying system appropriately because high humidification also leads to unwanted vegetative grown in certain crops.
Prospex VPD helps and automatically maintains an optimal vapor pressure deficit with a help of reliable Prospex VPD system we can create optimum water stress to increase the yields and crops overall immune system.
VPD alone does not provide a perfect model of plant water stress, and there has been a tendency in the past to rely too heavily upon calculated VPD alone for irrigation and environmental control purposes. However, if the measurements for calculation of VPD are taken in a manner that provides an accurate representation of the current crop conditions, and this information is then applied in an equally careful manner, it can be used to influence key environmental control management decisions.
VPD is only one method of approximating plant water stress. The Prospex system offers a range of measurement and control options to meet the demands of our customers including a complete Evapotranspiration Model for use in outdoor crop applications. Other irrigation and climate decision strategies or a combination of strategies may be more suitable for many crops. If you require more information on using VPD calculations with your control system please contact Prospex. Our contact information is listed on the back page of this document.
Also we use PLC based controllers with HMI for more reliable user friendly operation.